Surface Spot: Art Deco tiles


Blackpool. The home of donkeys on the beach, grey skies, sticks of rock, rollercoasters and arcades.

Perceptions can be deceiving. The flashing lights and whirling sounds of the seaside town's frontage may catch a visitor's immediate attention, but there’s a whole other side to discover to this north coastal hub.

The world famous Blackpool Tower is a leading example. Renowned for its Eiffel Tower-inspired structure and sprung dance floor, the overall interior itself is something to behold in its own glorious right. It’s an Art Deco heirloom and is covered top-to-bottom in beautifully flamboyant, yet tremendously stylish designs, that adorn well-crafted surface materials, such as these incredible glazed tiles with 3-D surface reliefs, featuring birds and animals.

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